After two years, where does BJP stand?
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On 26th May 2014, Narendra Modi took oath as the Prime Minister of India. His party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had made election history by establishing a simple majority, winning 282 of the 543 Lok Sabha Seats.

As the Modi government completes two years in office this week, The Hindu presents the 'Modi-Meter', tracking all the promises made by BJP in their 2014 election manifesto. Research for this analysis was conducted by 'Kulhar', an organisation founded by Kush Sharma, who has been a researcher with both the BJP and Congress.

Mr. Sharma analysed all the 246 promises listed in the highlights of the BJP's Manifesto for the 2014 elections for this exercise. "Only official sources such as annual reports, parliamentary questions and RTI replies were used for this research," Mr. Sharma told The Hindu. 49 of the 246 promises, which were generic in nature, were excluded from this analysis. The rest were classified as 'Fulfilled', 'Under Progress', 'Yet to Start' or 'Broken'.

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